第46章 守株待兔
“Sorry, madam, our company has planned to cooperate with jinghai group, and we will not cooperate with tianzheng group on the rumor on the network of the President of tianzheng group.”
“Is there anything else?”
“Mr. Sam, you don't want to deny the company's ability by just one person on the Internet. I think it's hard for other companies to compete with tianzheng group in the Chinese market. I don't think Mr. Sam wants to lose the chance to work with a good company, right?”
见山姆深思,苏向晴感觉到自己的计划马上就要实行完一半,她这样守株待兔也值得。随后她紧接着又说:“Domestic rumors are many are false, after you see this d
“Sorry, madam, our company has planned to cooperate with jinghai group, and we will not cooperate with tianzheng group on the rumor on the network of the President of tianzheng group.”
“Is there anything else?”
“Mr. Sam, you don't want to deny the company's ability by just one person on the Internet. I think it's hard for other companies to compete with tianzheng group in the Chinese market. I don't think Mr. Sam wants to lose the chance to work with a good company, right?”
见山姆深思,苏向晴感觉到自己的计划马上就要实行完一半,她这样守株待兔也值得。随后她紧接着又说:“Domestic rumors are many are false, after you see this d